
Saturday Critters – The Spot billed Pelican

The weekend are when hubby and I drive away from the city to be loser to nature. This picture was taken during one of those long drives. It was taken from the highway and the birds were on a tree at least half a kilometer away. The picture quality isn’t very good but the scene was beautiful and worth documenting.

I miss these trips and I am already looking forward to these after things get to normal. I have no complaints about the lock down they are for our good. I am fine for now.

  • Question of

    Are you missing your outings?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    How is the lock down going for you, tell me in the comments?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Dawn


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  1. Fortunately, I live in the countryside so at the moment I can at least take a walk. We should not hang out, only two can be together. We only have grocery stores open. We must wear gloves and a face mask when shopping. I’m retired so I can only shop in the morning right after the store opens (I have 2 hours). Our country is divided into “municipalities”. I’m not allowed in another municipality.

    • I am happy for you Vidocka. We also need to wear gloves and masks here if we want to buy groceries, but there is nothing much on the shelves. Milk and other kitchen staples are available. We cannot move beyond our neighborhood we need passes for that.

  2. I miss the walks by the sea. At home, I can only go out on the terrace. I am grateful that I work in a house with a large yard where I can walk. 24 hours at home, 24 at work, and so my days alternate.

  3. we are allowed to walk the dogs around our neighborhood. Other than that (and we have to maintain distance when we do that) we have to stay indoors.

    I lived through an outbreak of Dingy fever in Bangkok (we were on semi-required locked down) and the Spanish Flu in the US.

    so I guess all is ok.

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