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Refreshing drink from star gooseberries

There is an easy method for making juice of star gooseberries. We get plenty of these berries but we only use those that come up in summer.

The berries are wiped clean but not washed.  For every 1 kilo of berries half kilo of sugar is added and placed in a wide necked plastic or glass bottle.  The bottle is then placed in the fridge for seven days or until the entire sugar is dissolved.  One needs to shake the bottle every day.

This concentrated juice is then separated from the fruits that float.  They are now rid of all their juice.  The juice is then preserved in the fridge.  We normally add a liquid preservative.

A bit of this concentrate is poured in a glass and water added to suit one’s taste. I like it sweet.

Star gooseberries are rich in vitamin C  Some like to eat these berries but they are sour

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Written by grace