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Real-life dramas

The “lemons” thrown at us by life give us a delicious sorbet. If you set yourself in such a way. So the next time you see the lemon of life coming to you, think of it as a future dessert, not a drama of life.

Because there are only a few really irreparable, irrevocable, catastrophic dramas in life. Everything else is just the fruit of our volatile imagination, the whims of an offended ego, the consequence of all the reminiscences of the “what will be now” series.

Just recently, I read the thought of Elisabeth Gilbert about the mourning of the loss of a loved one, one of those real-life dramas. It sounded like this: Let the mourning flow through you, tell yourself what a blessing it is to suffer so strongly because it means that you also equally strongly loved…

Such thoughts are shocking, shaking you, but how deep truth it is. If something happens in life that we cannot turn into sorbet, then we have to find the strength to endure it.

But I wish all the lemons in life today would turn into sorbets. And best of all, they would not be thrown on our way today.

© Fortune, 2009

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