
Love ItLove It WINWIN

Praying before meals

I have noticed in restaurants, particularly in classy restaurants, that people just eat and prayer seemed to be forgotten already. Even in my family, when we eat out, the focus is the food on the buffet table and prayer has not been heard of. I wish for the olden days when prayer before meals was an important part of dining.

  • How often do you pray in a day?

    • Once a day
    • Twice a day
    • As often as I could


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by Alex Socorro


  1. Prayer before a meal is a good thing to do, as it brings thankfulness, gratitude, and peace to the table.

    Many people have remembered prayers. It is harder to make one up on the spot.

    The one my old Grandpa used to say, before every meal was this one:

    “Be present at our table Lord.
    Be here and everywhere adored.
    We creatures bless, and grant that we may feast in paradise with thee, amen.”

    This is another one, somebody gave to me.

    “Thank you, oh God, as great gratitude is offered to our maker, for allowing food to be prepared, and produced, and given to us to partake of, and to bring its benefits to us, all eating it now. May God be praised, amen.”