Some 4 decades ago saw the fascination of some folks at collecting stamps where they would showcase the various stamps they collected from other countries. The introduction of metered mails, emails, courier system had almost erased postage stamps. Just recently I received a mail with a postage stamp and I just remembered sharing it.
Do you have stamp collection
I collect post cards. I literally have post cards from every place that I have traveled to
Glad you are still able to do that. Next time I go to a place i will look for their post card.
It is that piece that reminds me of the city and certain memories
You are right. Nowadays because of social media most had forgotten about postcards.
That, as well as printing photos and putting them in photo albums. We capture so many great photos with our smartphones yet do not cherish them by hanging them on our walls and putting them in photo albums.
Wow I like your collection..
I have not really collected lately as I seldom get mails with postage stamps, mostly are metered posts.
I’m not a collector of stamps. The stamps were collected by my son.
That’s good to know that your son collects them. It’s now seldom that younger generation do this.
I had a stamp collection. Nice photo.
Thanks for the comment. What countries do your stamp collection come from?
People nowadays seldom send postcard anymore. Posting on FB or Instagram took over.
I know many collect stamps, they are nice.
What happened to your stamp collection? Did you throw them away?
I used to collect stamps when I was little. These are lovely!
People nowadays seldom send mails by post.
That’s true. I had some postcards from abroad in the last few years, but I don’t have the heart to remove the stamps, so I just keep everything together as a souvenir.
In that way you collect both the stamps and the postcard as well.