Having written about how it came to be that men started shaving, it just seems that this would be a really good poll. There seem to be a lot of different opinions regarding whether a man should shave or grow his mustache and beard. To be fair, I’ll say that I currently have both a mustache and a beard. I usually have a mustache but don’t always have a beard.
Still, both men and women tend to have opinions regarding whether men should shave or not. Thus, the poll.
Question of
Which do you prefer in men:
A beard
A mustache
Both a beard and mustache
Clean shaven
I don’t care one way or the other
Question of
Does a long beard make a man appear more distinguished or wiser?
Only once in a while
It makes no difference at all
Question of
Abraham Lincoln grew a beard after a little girl, upon meeting him, said, “You’d look better with a beard.” Have you ever seen a man without a beard and thought that they’d look better if they had one?
I’ve never thought about it
It makes no difference
Looks like very beautiful bread.
i thought the photo is jesus
He’s a model, but it is a very good thing when your first thought is of Jesus. It shows that your mind is where it should be. :))
I don’t like facial hair. Clean shave for me.
I know a number of people who feel the same way. Do you think that Abe Lincoln looked better without a beard than he did with one? (Granted, he wasn’t the most handsome man and he often admitted it.)
I wear a beard for 40 years and it’s nice, I would not wipe my babi face
I haven’t always had a beard, but I’ve had a mustache for roughly 40 years of my adult life. Many Cherokees have difficulty in growing facial hair, so that is where it began for me. Most of the people I know personally wouldn’t recognize me without my mustache. :)) If I shaved it, my wife would be angry with me until I grew it back. I made that mistake only once in 39 years of marriage and I don’t want to go through that again.
I personally prefer a guy to be clean shaven, but it really depends on the man. Some look better with beard, others don’t. I’m not a big fan of moustaches, though.
Is there a particular reason you don’t like a mustache? I assume that you mean that you aren’t a fan of a mustache without a beard.
Yes, I don’t like a moustache without a beard. I just can’t think of someone who looks better with it than clean shaven or with full beard / 3-day beard. Of course, everyone can do whatever they like.
I have also read that the moustache is an important thing in many cultures. I read about a wealthy family who laid of their driver, because his moustachewas too sexual and it was innapropriate for the young daughter of the family. Of course, the driver would never shave that moustache.
By the way, I was thinking that “you have a great beard” is an awesome compliment, but “you look better with beard” isn’t necessarily a compliment.
In my case, I’m not good looking with or without the beard and/or mustache.
That’s not true! The thing about the compliments was a joke, though.
Thank you, but I am and always will be my own worst critic. That goes for everything I do. I’m also really showing my age. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, though, and I’m thankful for having lived long enough for me to be showing my age. lol
Interesting poll, I like facial hair but only on some men.
I can understand that and I also prefer that the beard is neatly trimmed and not unruly.
Absolutely, it must be neat.
Absolutely, it must be neat. I am sure it is a pain to keep it up but so worth it.