
Perfectionists Beware!

We don’t live is perfect world. Things happen every day in our lives that force us to change our course. Sometimes we are able to walk straight through the puddles that life hands and sometimes the puddles are simply too deep to survive. In order to survive and have a well balanced life, even perfectionist, must sometimes adjust and deal with “what is”.

Why is this the topic of the day for me? I have hundreds of puddles today! There are in my personal life and my professional life.  The irresponsible decision I desire to make is to simply tell the entire world I am going back to bed and I will try again tomorrow. Sadly, I am much too dedicated to really do it, and I am hopeful someday that simply won’t be the case. I hope one day I will just crawl back in bed!

Life is not perfect and neither is my temperament today. Maybe it’s a read at your own risk today. My husband said in an irritated voice “Stop it, you can’t ride that broom until tomorrow.”

  • Do you ever have days like this?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. Oh boy do I have days like this. Everyday starts too early. Everyday brings physical, emotional and mental pain.

    TOmorrow will be better.

    Of course, tomorrow never comes.

    Yeah. But, there are people here for all of us!