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Our Kids & Cell Phone

If it’s not one hospitalization it’s another! Uhg Seralilly had to have breathing treatments for walking pneumonia!! No school till Monday either. She should be ok now inhalers and antibiotics. So mad that the school wouldn’t let her call home! Said she wasn’t “sick enough” and needed to tough it out… This is exactly why kids NEED access to thier cell phones during the day.

  • Question of

    Is your child use cell phone ?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you know how dangerous it is ?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

15 Points


  1. It is a reality that children today are generally inseparable from cellphones. Parents must be able to teach their children to understand how they use their cellphones adequately and appropriately. Certainly not an easy thing to do.

  2. I think you have presented both sides of the argument here well.

    1. For safety, there is a value in having a cell phone.
    2. For distraction, there is a danger in having a cell phone

    The reality of connection is a risk. The impact of disconnection is a risk. I suspect you could spend a month building out a series of articles on both the issues above.

    Limiting phone use is not the answer. Teaching children that there are times not to use their phones is the answer.

    • Yes, there is many ways to control children like healthy activity , Playing some physical game with them like badminton , Swimming and also going to Zoo or Play land..