I went on a collecting spree of hibiscus, visiting several nurseries here and did see them all doing well.
I have been a bit lax when it comes to supervising what’s going on in the garden, of late, and when I did go round I noticed many of our hibisucs have disappered They do not need much attention but if they are over watered or the ground is hard they cannot take it.
Hibisucs is one flower that does not demand much attention and yet to see them disappear shows how I have neglected them.
My New year’s resolution is to get all of them back. There are a few nurseries I intend visiting.
Have your flowers disappeared too?
Wonderful hibiscus collection. Occasionally a flower disappears to me too.
I am determined to get them back
I have never experienced this …………
Good if your plants have not disappeared
Hibiscus are also prone to white mealy bugs which drink up the sap and kills the bushes, We need to keep an eye on them constantly.
It is also my gardener’s fault He simply does not know how to water
Wow, this is a awesome collection.
But most have disappeared.