
Love ItLove It

Of Technology trends I have missed on!

One of the things that sometimes gets me in trouble in the technology world is going far beyond the bleeding edge. I always thought that phrase, the bleeding edge was dumb. Not the people are uttering the phrase but the phrase and its meaning. I have lived on the edge of technology for many years. I have never cut myself or felt that I was at risk on edge. I have however missed on many technologies over the years.

That got me thinking about what were my biggest misses. So, here they are:

1. Keecker2. Nucleus3. Cortana Speaker4. Jibo

5. Pebble Smart Watch

These are the four biggest disappointments from a technology perspective. I do often make mistakes when it comes to cutting edge technology. Sometimes I am too far ahead of the crowd, and that results in my realizing I missed. Sometimes, the crowd catches up to me.

The most important thing about technology isn’t technology. It is a problem that it solves. Sometimes I have issues and problems that are not truly widespread. Or are issues that will be widespread but in a few years.

So sometimes I, to use a baseball term, swing and miss.

  • Question of

    Have you ever walked away from an idea?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Have you ever bought something (its cool) and realized it didn’t do what you needed?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

19 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I an not a gizmo geek and so happy with what makes my life easy and what is making my life easy is a mobile that has messaging and voice, an internet connection with reasonable speed and a good camera that takes satisfactory pictures. Just because there are new products in the market I do not rush and get them.

    • A sad reality, they never made it to the mass market. You would have enjoyed Jibo, you could literally call your Uncle, and see him interact with him. But Jibo could also remind people to take pills and many other cool features!

  2. I only buy what I need … as I said before I have a smartphone and quite good quality … I don’t use 80% of the features because I don’t know them and I also don’t need them … it’s similar to car radio

  3. I only get what I need too…and I keep it until it’s too old to be useful. I don’t have to have every new thing that comes out to be satisfied.
