We have guest and visitors to our home regularly. Some are very welcome while others are tolerated, some are not so welcome. Don’t get me wrong, we have people who invite themselves and try to sell stuff or use the relationship to further their careers (We do get those as well sometimes).
However, we had a visitor last week who breezed in but didn’t know his way out. This beautiful little sunbird was perched on top of the chandelier and flew from one room to another even though we kept all our doors and windows open for him to fly out. He was so afraid and was flying around in circles. He could hear his partner call and he could see her through the glass but he didn’t know how to reach her.
After an hour of struggle finally he found his way out. Honestly though I was happy to see him in peace and enjoy the scene outside in my heart I didn’t want him to go. That would have been very selfish and inconsiderate to capture this beautiful free creature and make him a caged bird. Thankfully he visits me in my garden everyday. He is afraid of me but he loves the Chinese hat bush and frolics around it with his partner.
Seeing him happy and carefree makes me happy.
Question of
Do you rejoice in the happiness of others?
Question of
Do you like my special guest?
Great story and photo, perfect timing.
Thank you dear Carol. I just saw this guy at the Chinese hats now.
It was a really special and wonderful visit.
Truly, I just enjoyed watching him at close quarters, but his anxiety made me very uncomfortable.
You had a very magnificent visit, dear Dawn
So very true. I am happy when he comes visiting me in the garden too.
What a delightful story of another blessed day graced by your little guest! Thank you!
Blessed day indeed Country Mama. Thanks for your kind words.
You are most welcome. Such little things God shows us His kindnesses everyday to cheer us up.
God bless you, Have a great day!!
I receive. And to you, as well, blessings!