Wild and picturesque without being steep and difficult to walk, these mountains are home to a sublime natural setting, with endless forests where many species of animals live. These mountains are part of the mountain group Șureanu-Parâng-Lotrului, belonging to the mountain range of the Southern Carpathians. Even if the snow is absent, the landscape remains wonderful.
“I am losing precious days. I am degenerating into a machine for making money. I am learning nothing in this trivial world of men. I must break away and get out into the mountains to learn the news”― John Muir
Where do you prefer to spend your vacation?
In the mountains
At the sea
In other places
Snow is less and less present in winter! Thank you very much for stopping by!
Mountains are my absolute favorite place to be.
I love the mountain but I love the sea to the same extent!
Beautiful grandiose scenery despite the lack of heavy snow. Global warming is the worst isn’t it?
It seems that winter season is about to disappear in my area!?
Wow, I see snow on the mountains. I spend my vacation mostly at the sea but at winter time, we sometimes going to the mountain for skiing.
There is a ski slope in this area but this year was impractical due to the lack of snow.
I live near the sea and so I prefer to spend my vacation in the mountains.
How lucky you are to see the sea daily! I love both the sea and the mountain.
Would you expect to see more snow at this time of the year? This is certainly true of the mountainous areas of northern Scotland, where the snow cover so far this year is much lower than normal. It simply has to be a consequence of climate change.
Normally it should have been snow at this time of year, but …. this winter was not normal.