My grandfather used to say two things to me. They stuck with me. The first was the opening of a conversation every single time, “what is bothering you?” He would say. My grandfather was someone I used as a sounding board, as a guide and as someone to think through problems with. Then grandpa would look at me after I had expressed the problem, and he would say, “so what are you going to do about it?” That started the second conversation. The first conversation is one that everyone has complaining about were whatever was happening was at the moment. The second part of the conversation was to begin building a path to a solution and making changes that would ultimately fix the problem.
Fun Author Tip: go back into your old posts and share them via social media!
One of my favorite speeches of all time was the Inaugural address of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. He said many things, but to me, the lines that stuck the lines that I recall oft are “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” That drives me back to the last couple of days, talking about building SEO for posts using titles and tags. Are there other things authors can do to increase the views of their posts. One of the things I have been doing is sharing old posts over the last month or so. During that time, I have learned a lot of interesting things about old posts. So a new offer from me. In the comments of this post, share a post you are proud of. I will read it and promote it.
Fun Author Tip: The best articles share a piece of you!
I have several upcoming cool tech reviews:
- Scribbit the whiteboard wall robot.
- Chasing Dory, another underwater ROV
- Airtame 2.0
Thanks as always to all who read. Share that post you are proud of from your past posts. Let’s see if we can change the number of views it has!
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Hey it is ok to share more than one post you are proud of, ok?
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#kindcomments is a great hashtag to use, right?
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Lets try to be positive, ok?
It would be nice when a person has an adult to go to as sounding board like your grandpa. It was a gift given to you. Not all people are as lucky but life provides us something else. ?
life lives within the box we are willing to live in. if there are ones that appear in our life that offer advice, it is up to us to know if they fit in our box!
This sentence by JFK is one of the most quoted quotes ever. Your technological reviews are great.
it really is a great quote, thanks pal!!!
You bring my raising back to me, Especially ” now what are we gonna do about that?”
Thank you Scott. Yesterday I killed myself.
it is always important, what are we going to do about that!
Yes (9 votes) – 90%
No (1 votes) – 10%
Yes (9 votes) – 100%
Yes (9 votes) – 100%
Rather than only think positive, I would say you achieve far more with, “Generative” thinking, use the positive and negative thinking like alternating electric current to move forward.
It allows you to use the negative and turn it into a positive thing. We do it all the time in our daily lives, you learn step by step at school but they didn’t teach me then, to thing lateral thinking.
If you cant immediately think of a solution put it aside do something else and then come back and tackle the problem. Often we are too close and need to stand back.
at this point you may be right. I keep trying things and it doesn’t work, although this last one seems to be working a little now.
I often do that and they don’t work but will keep on trying…
i am going to keep trying. i don’t give up easily!
Neither do I …I hate to not have something solved and will keep working on it.
i have a rule with technical problems, if I can’t solve it in 4 hours, I have to call for help.
Excellent advice, I know my technical skills are not great but I do sometimes call for help with art work or other things but I work a long time first before that.
well perhaps a limit is called for! i know if I let myself I will dwell on the issue for hours!
Editing and reposting a post is a good way of increasing views. I have learned users always tend to read current posts so it is worth it republishing an older post.
i have posts that are 3 years old, some of them have a thousand views. the most they had when I originally shared them was 200 views. The SEO thing is critical for some posts!
Back then the users were many including external views. You did great and I see you still get good views which is a good thing.
It’s true some posts need SEO to get large traffic.
i would argue we all have 20, 30 Virily authors who read out posts every day or so. SEO drives external views.
there aren’t 300 active users, anything beyond 300 is heading heavily into external views.
We don’t have many authors like before. I get you SEO drives external views not internal which is true.
you are right, today I am pushing for external views. They were in the past 2 to 4 times internal views. they are now roughly 1 to 1.
got get those so there is more money to split.
Yes. There was a post I commented that I would write a review of virily on other sites. External views help us indirectly as you had stated.
A review of Virily would be interesting. I am not sure I would touch that with a 10 foot pole.
I understand because with reviews you’ve to show both the positive and negative sides.
the reality of the negative side is shared on the site virtually every day. normally sitting atop the most commented list.
not always factual.
Right. Some are not factual.
it worries me. Our site is dying. The naysayers and me first, people are killing it.
I cannot think of anyone particular now. As soon as I get the chance I want to go through my Virily posts and get to the earlier ones to see what I was posting about then. If I find a post that would do well to get reposted how do I do that?
you go to profile, more, posts
when you see the post you want to bring to the front
you should see 3 dots.
click the dots
click edit
clean up the post and then publish again!
I think he has quite a few interesting posts. I decided on the post below.
i will happily read it right now!
I have many favorites. Here is one that stands out…
u am looking forward to reading and sharing!!!
I’m not particularly proud of any post, dear friend … I post what I think is the most appropriate post to post
i understand my friend, if there is a post you would like to read and share, please let me know!
With great pleasure, dear friend….but if you really like any post you can post it anywhere you want
i will wander your old posts this weekend!
Maybe find something interesting for you, my friend
i am sure I will, there are a few I have missed i am sure!
That’s a great idea! I am proud of my quizzes here, because they take a lot of work, and they can be fun.
i will happily take the quiz again, thanks Ellie!
Okay, here is one I was proud of. Just because of the view. Thanks Doc. Great post, sounds like you had some interesting conversations with your Grandpa!
Positive thought to you!
I hope this is what you meant.
we had many interesting conversations over the years!
i understand, if you think of one please share it with me!!!
I believe , even one is OK but with quality message or information
i understand, but do you have a post here that you were extremely proud of?
Yes , I have few on virily platform
share a link of one you really love!
I don’t know if I can pinpoint right now the exact moment in which I have been proud of in my past posts.Later I will post maybe a post.
i completely understand, if you do think of one let me know!