
Mobile Phones-Boon or Bane?

Mobile phones enable us to know the news from our relatives when we cannot be physically present in their place of living. It makes us a little more thrilled about the technology of mobile phones when we see the handsome photos of our sweet little grandchildren. To cite an example, we get excited when we see our grand kids doing odd things that we did not imagine that they may be doing.

When a person can see the pictures of his son’s school picnic at once as he sends them, he realizes how great this mobile technology is. You can observe how fast you can become obsessed with Facebook when you help somebody set up their page. The person whom you help set up their page may participate unwillingly in the beginning till the things start showing up.

He may ultimately brighten up once he sees the photos of their relatives. This will only result in that person checking his page on Facebook as often as he can. Some of my friends I know check their page on Facebook two or three times a day. Slowly, anyone can begin to understand why and how everyone becomes preoccupied with their mobile phones.

  • Question of

    Are you thrilled about the benefits of mobile phones?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you think the mobile technology is great?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Are you preoccupied with your mobiles?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by raaman


  1. Raaman, I would say mobile phone is a boon. We are free to throw it away if we do not need it. We cling onto it only because we like it.