Well, there are some minor accident that happened when we’re visiting for CNY. A few of the small pots got brown by the wind and fell off our rack.
I’ve no choice but to move them to bigger pots that can withstand the wind better. I’ve no idea if the seeds are still in there somewhere, but I added new seeds in.
Let’s hope they do well as we kind of neglected them over the festive season.
Have some accident happen to your plants before?
I have experienced the same accident several times. Usually this happens on the patio.
Well, I guess it can’t be helped … :p
I have many orchids in pots, and only one of them has bloomed after the innitial bloom. Last week, I accidentaly made it fall twice. It looks okay so far, but I don’t think it will survive a third falling.
LOL… I don’t think you want to try it a third time :p
The replanting may even turn out better since you added more seeds. It happens to the best of gardeners.
Thanks, I hope what you said come true!! 😀
Yes, thank you…
it’s nothing big…
i can just replant some seeds and try again 🙂
part of growing plants is the mistakes! we learn from those mistakes.
Yeah I guess so…
hopefully the seeds make it :p
if they haven’t sprouted you may be ok!
Yes this happens to all of us. Good luck.
Thank you, Carol…
Hope the seeds can make it! 😀
Hopefully this time you are in luck with the new pots
Thank you, let’s hope so 🙂