
Memorial Day Fast Approaches

It’s a somber time in our home, as my husband mourns the loss of his comrades.  He struggles with the loss, the fact that he was drafted, and impact that is had left in his mind and heart. We will hope that they remember to fly the flag half mast for the first half of the day and raise it noon. We have never seen them do that properly here and we remind them every day. We will keep trying.

I won’t be going to Mom’s grave this year as I volunteered to work so others could participate.  We will place the flags on the graves here locally the day before.

  • Do you honor those who have served in the military on Memmorial Day?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. Unfortunately, my country in the last two centuries has a lot of people who have given up their livelihoods.
    It is quickly forgotten as soon as peace passes.
    Now, there are only a few of the initiatives of a group of citizens for those who have been killed or fought, and the rest are alive but rich.