Love is the feminine nature and energy of this whole existence.
Unfortunately, until today we still can always find people, groups, cultures or believers who think that the degree of women is lower than the degree of men. There are even those who use chromosomes as a proposition of the reason. The reason for that is that the female chromosome is XX, while the male chromosome is XY, so the man is more complete.
Of course, that point of view was very debatable. How can the degree of the human be observed or measured by something physical? I’ve just a very small understanding of biology but strongly disagree with such a basic outlook. I am convinced that the XX chromosome structure cannot be used as a basis for placing women’s dignity in an inferior position.
Something impressive about it, some of the more competent people say that; “X” is an energy factor while “Y” has no energy. Energy in men is a gift from his mother, the woman who conceived and gave birth to him. Men cannot live on a “YY” chromosome, but on the other hand, women can live with the “XX” chromosome.
For me, men and women are couples who need each other, and as positive and negative as complementary, so are men and women with their unique and superiority. Women should be more appreciated by the nature that accommodates and presents.
Question of
Do you agree that women’s dignity is lower than men?
Question of
Do you still see those who think women are inferior?
Question of
Will this paradigm go on forever?
Question of
Besides all the efforts that have been done so far, do you think is there any other way to align both degrees?
This is a very interesting poll, Albert. There is a famous joke being told. Why was Adam created before Eve? Because God needed a rough draft before the masterpiece. Some people will see me as a feminist as I am all for women power. But truth be told all humans are equal. My intelligence doesn’t depend on whether I am a man or a woman. It depends on my family’s genes. (Just one example)
I love that joke, Della!
I think, if people know the secret of life, they should not put something in an imbalance. Placing feminine lower than masculine means making an imbalance of self.
…but, since life is a great drama, then human need a story and scenario to play.
We live in a broad society with different views on life and gender.
The more I see it, the more everything seems to change but some people or types never will want to change.
Yes, I saw it too… pretty much people has change…
Here I meet different people from many nationalities with different perspectives. I do not believe this will be possible.
Everyone and culture do have their respective points of view.
Hope this does not last forever!
Very interesting topic! Luckily, I don’t see many people around me who think that women are inferior, but people are still trying to oppose men and women and look for the differences between them.
That’s great, Ellie. You’ve mature environment of people there. I’ve just listened people talked about this issues in imbalance tone, and that’s why I wrote this poll.
I hear them too, but luckily not that often, or at least not among my closer people.
That’s what we need to be thankful that it did not happen among those close to us.
thanks for the poll, nice picture.
Thanks for visit and the compliment, Tiada
The battle of both genders is a very interesting story.
Yep! A great drama of humanity, eh?
It is since you are dealing with a great battle in life to stay in the middle of the road.
I’m glad you have a good parable for that, Dee.
A great drama story our lives are.
No matter what there will always be a certain crowd that will think this way about women. I do not believe it will ever change completely.
I understand your pov, but how sad it is…
It is very sad, so much has changed in the world and not for the good.
Yeah! I agree about that, Caol. Anyhow we have to keep doing something, right?
That’s why I never stop talking about humans, whether my voice sounds or not.