It’s official. We are on lockdown until the end of May. I felt like it was coming, but hearing it and having the note posted on the door was interesting. I don’t know what the note really says because I am supposed to stay in my house. I think I can still go out in my yard, but I am not really sure.
There are just many questions and I am very concerned about medications that are essential. I would hope that people will be kind and tolerant here as those of us who can’t leave and feel trapped may spend a little more time here.
I can’t help but be nervous. I need distractions, deep breaths and a will to survive.
Question of
Are you in lock down?
Question of
Are you worried?
Question of
Do you find it upsetting when people consider this a joke?
it is a virtual lockdown, you don’t see many people outdoors now.
The only time I really see people is if I go to the store and now I need permission to do that. Hopefully, today’s permit is delivered because Bro needs medication. Other than that I have a partial workday. They have asked we all reduce our hours to hopefully avoid massive layoffs. For me right now it’s more a mental challenge.
My challenge is to mentally keep busy so I don’t worry. If all this hadn’t happened Bro would have been recovering from his heart surgery.
We are here, at least on the same property. We talk on the phone at least twice a day. Life is good. We can do this.
i would say write more, share more! sorry, that is a tough situation.
We are not on lockdown yet. It is a scary situation. The unknown always causes us more anxiety. As it should. Take care.
Lockdown is strange. All of a sudden you think of all the places you want or need to go! LOL I just need to embrace this one room and do what I can.
We are in a state of community quarantine. We can still go out, but there are limitations. None essential establishments are closed.
Covid-19 continues to claim lives. So this should be considered a joke at all…
Stay safe.
It certainly is not a joke. We just trying to wrestle through it.
Nobody can take this as a joke. Coronavirus is very serious. People are dying. A lot of people are dying
I agree. I find none of the “jokes” funny. It seems very insensitive to those of us who are living with it.
We are in Spain so far until April 11th. We have the right to go to the store. I was there this morning. It’s quiet now. No panic. No queues. We split up. There’s everything in the store. The stocking craze disappeared. Take a walk in the garden. Don’t talk to anyone. And no one can forbid you to go to the pharmacy. Don’t panic. She’s a bad advisor. Courage and calm.
They can forbid you to here at certain times. You have to get a permit to go. I don’t how who you think “she” is but the lockdown is enforced here. Each county makes their own guidelines.
Me also under lockdown ….?
And what interesting things are you doing to pass the time?
Work From Home….under this scary time….