We are about to start a new month, with this brings a new Just for Fun Challenge.
What would you like next months theme to be?
Question of
How about Shadows and Silhouettes?
Question of
Perhaps Numbers and Letters?
Question of
Maybe Down low sounds good to you? Shot from the ground or below the knee.
Nice one, I love the first one too.
I like the first one and the third one
Thank you for taking the poll. Looks like silhouettes are still in the lead!
I give yes to all three possibilities, you decide!
I would probably of picked letters and numbers or down low to be honest.
It is your right to decide. I will be happy with any choice and will participate whenever opportunity is available.
Thank you, looks like shadows and silhouettes are leading so far.
allllll is good cary on dear
I like #1 the best. #3 is a nice idea, but rather hard for me to shoot these days. The ground and I don’t get along too well. I can only shoot from above pointing at the ground without bodily pain, and I have trouble getting up off the ground.
Looks like it will be shadows and silhouettes. Good point Barbara you are not the only one that has troubles getting down low.
Very exciting proposals!!! As for me, I chose number 1 & number 3.
Thank you Anastasia, looks like silhouettes are in the lead by three points.
They all sound great, but my favorites are 1 and 3.
Thanks a bunch Ellie, I hope you join in. Looks like silhouettes are in the lead.
I say shadows and silhouettes…but probably because my art is made of “silhouette” brushes. So I know I’d have fun with it!
I thought of that when I posted. lol Yay for silhouettes. Love your work.
Mine would be shadows and silhouettes, nothing against letters and numbers, maybe the picture you posted made me think that would be my favourite options. 🙂
Well thank you Angles, I love silhouettes and shadows as well. I hope you will join in, its a month long theme.
They are all great choices but I much rather like shadows and silhouettes because I deal with numbers and letters every day and I often scrub things off the floor so I am down below often enough. Ha Ha. But even better how about pictures of beautiful dogs just like the one at the beginning. He or she is a beauty.
I will have an animal option for next month. Looks like silhouettes are in the lead as of now.
They all sound good, maybe the shadows would be my pick.
You have some awesome silhouettes of you view as well with that tree!!
I prefer something easy…lol…
Letters and number is my favourite
but that is just me
I thought it would be fun. so many signs and things that look like numbers, like a vine in an S and things like that. Looks like silhouettes are in the lead though.
Yes, I was thinking of logos too haha
but seems like it won’t be letters and numbers…
we’ll have to go with the crowd … haha
all three proposals are great
Thank you Branka, I liked them all as well. There are so many photo themes, hopefully we can do some really fun ones.