Gaming always makes me happy!! Now that I’ve upgraded my computer, I can finally install the Citra (3DS) emulator and play more Games!!!
Currently playing … which is fun!!!
Join Kim’s Just for fun Challenge for the month of June!!
The rules of the game are to post about what makes you happy for the month of June.
1. Use #jff tag.
2. Post in the challenges section.
3. Use Just for Fun in the title.
Easy enough right?
Question of
Can you guess what game it is?
Persona Q
Fire Emblem
Final Fantasy
Question of
Do you use emulators?
Question of
Have you heard of Citra?
I do not play video games
Playing video games is really fun, we can refresh the mood just by playing some games with friends. All types of game have the fun and excitement, we can also have many benefits of playing video games. The simulation games really help in enhancing the cognitive skills, strategic planning, mental ability, etc. We can also look for the different games like the FIFA 18, Destiny 2 and more trending game from Instant-gaming ( online store, that has a huge variety of games.
I don’t play video games. My sons do though! They make them happy.. Thanks for posting Alibb!
Yes! I know how and why they do!! XD
Not familiar with the game but great post! 🙂
Thank you, we all have somethings we know and enjoy more about… 🙂
No need to wait till June to spread the happiness! I don’t know much about games, but I had a colleague who is a competitive gamer (I am not sure if it’s called like that). She has a team and they go to international competitions, it sounds fun.
I tried to wait till June, but yeah, accidents happen … accidentally posted it from my draft but doesn’t matter anyway … :p
WOW!! Your colleague must be really good!!
I just play games for entertainment …
But yeah, games are always more fun when played with friends…
I see, that’s one of these cases when an edit button could help.
That’s the problem with small brain storage…
If I knew I had submitted the wrong post, I would have edited … :p
You go faster than me. I have not even read Kim’s last post about this!
Lol, I just happen to see the post when it was first posted!!
Then I made a few entries and saved in my drafts … hehe
I was waiting until June but I guess it is never too early to talk about happiness! 🙂
I am so dang confused! I thought this challenge started in June. Did I already miss the beginning?
Nope, you didn’t… I cheated … sort of …
This post was an accidental click … (though the one before wasn’t!!)
I was editing this one and then I forgot and submitted it :p