
Love ItLove It


 My journaling life started at a very young age for me, I was probably 10 when I started and has been an active part of my entire life. but reading back through those older entries, makes me want to laugh out loud at myself. The entries were all about the cute girls in the class and the annoying things my younger two brothers had done to my stuff that day. 


I found that as I read these entries how noticeably I had matured almost year by year throughout the years. Spelling mistakes, It is hard to imagine that I made them, looking back from my present age, yet, there they are, written in my own hand. My family members had always been more interested in the various sciences and since Afrikaans, a kind of Dutch was my parent’s first language English was one of those subjects where teachers would not have expected me to be any good at.


Through my journaling, I got much better in English. Yes, and through having progressed from my Just William boys books, I secretly saved up every nickel, and bought and devoured James Bond books as fast as they landed on the book, stand, “not bad” for a 13 years old kid! There were reams of solid wholesome books appropriate for a teenager to read, so, I’m not claiming a depraved upbringing by a pair of hedonistic parents.

I read them because, ever since reading my very first Bond book, Doctor No, with a well-built bikini-clad lady, Ursula Andress emerging from the sea, at Doctor No’s secret Crab Island depicted on the cover a copy of which was found in my young uncle’Wayne’s bedroom. I was hooked because they were exciting.

 * NOTE: Casino Royale was Ian Flemming’s first Bond novel. 

I understood very little of his feminine conquests and explosive larger than life plots, initially but with a public library full of thesauruses and dictionaries, I rapidly caught on what author Ian Flemming had so eloquently been describing to the readers of his novels. Mistakes were being made all the time and I’m thankful for them because it made me a better writer for it.


Currently, there is an alarming increase in the number of people who are afflicted with various mental illnesses. Sadly, depression is one of the most common mental illnesses of our time. I read, only last week that 2019, has been dubbed, “The Most Depressing Time In All Of History.” However, this fact, notwithstanding, journaling and having your thoughts on paper can make you feel a whole lot better about yourself, especially when you focus your writing on the really cool things you have going on in your life, even now! 


To conclude, there are many reasons why you should physically pick up a pen and start writing. It helps you increase your eye-hand co-ordination, writing speed, wordsmithing skills, and word-recall capability. And, don’t forget, it’s therapeutic because it helps to reduce stress, it can even help prevent that modern-day scourge, Alzheimer’s.

 So pick up a pen today and keep your thoughts stored away in a journal for reference when you need to check back on interesting past observations, you’ll be amazed at your own progress. and lastly, it is good for your eternal soul.

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  1. I had diaries and journals from childhood but when I moved back to the US I just jotted down so dates and memorable events and tossed them all out because it made no sense to have brought them to Latvia and then again back. However now I keep many notebooks and journals about the writing I do online and keep track of everything I do every day and of course, always penning new poems

  2. I don’t ever remember not journaling. My Mom started by having me draw something, none of them look like anything, but she asked me what to write. I have them from the age of three until well, today.

  3. I realize that pen and paper may be the preferred medium to write, but then you have to store the notebooks or they could get lost. I like to write with the computer. I don’t keep a private journal anymore, but I do write on sites and blogs.