A habit is something that you do not even have to think about. You just do it because you have created a place for it in your life and your routine. It feels normal. For some reason the word habit has gotten a bad name. If you type in the word habit in any image search what picture do you think comes up the most. “Smoking”. There are millions of great habits that could be shown and we choose to focus on a negative. With your help we are going to change that today. You can be part of a great solution. You can participate here and all sorts of locations. So far there are 562 people who have committed and share this idea in the last six hours.
Here are some ways you can get involved. You can leave an example of a great habit right here in comments. If it is there it will be shared and others will see it. Some people have created hashtags, shared them and they are flowing through social media. Some people have simply committed to working on a healthy good habit and gone public.
Something this important requires consideration, drive and cooperation. It’s a long shot here, and still it moving forward in other areas.
Question of
Do you see the value of reminding each other about healthy habits?
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Are you going to be a part of the solution?
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Are you going to come up with a unique hashtag we can add to the others?
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Are you going to be a part of the solution?
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Are you in?