A routine can be defined as a sequence of actions regularly followed. I have observed that some people like living a routine life. They would be aghast if they did not know what they were going to do the next hour because that is what they have been doing day in and day out. There are some people though who like surprises and changes in their life. Their lives are not set; they take it as it comes. While both lifestyles have their advantages and disadvantages, I personally would prefer to live in-between both styles. I would like a set lifestyle daily but with a little surprise or change once in a while to spice things up. What about you? How do you feel about routines?
Please play the poll below. It was created for you.
You can also play several polls created by me here.
Question of
Are you living a routine way of life right now?
Question of
Would you follow a routine set by someone if others found it successful?
Question of
Are you a leader? (Most leaders don’t follow routine)
Question of
Do you know what you will do tomorrow and next this week?
Question of
Would you like a little surprise and some changes in your lifestyle?