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Is it possible to read emotion from the face?

Do you look at people’s faces and try to understand their emotions? If so, stop doing it because it’s nothing but stupidity.Ohio State University research reveals that facial expressions are probably not a reliable means of assessing emotions. On the contrary, it must be said that the face of an individual should never be trusted. 

As you know, we associate smiles on the face with joy while sadness with anger and react accordingly. Researcher said, that our question was: can we really evoke emotions in the face? And the answer was, no, you can’t.

Researchers developed computer algorithms that could analyze facial expressions and compare movement of facial problems with that of a person. The results showed that it is almost always wrong to assess or determine emotions by facial expressions.

Researchers said that each shows different facial expressions under the context and cultural background of the situation and it’s important to realize that everyone who’s smiling, not necessary that he is happy and not every smile is a smile of joy.

Researcher added “It is also true that sometimes people’s smiles are the result of social pressure, which is basically not a problem. Some people claim that they can look at the face to see if someone has committed a crime, Or whether the students are focusing on the class.

Our research has shown that such a claim is completely false, since there is no means by which you can determine such matters, as it can be dangerous. They say that by being deceived by facial expressions, people do not know the true feelings or intentions of the other person and may make wrong decisions about their future or ability.

Research has shown that when you experience an emotion, our brain releases hormones that change blood and blood coagulation and during this process the color of the face changes, ie the color of the face can help to know. Researchers added, that the body also gives signals such as body style or pose may play an important role in this regard.

  • Can you read emotion from the face?

    • Yes
    • No


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