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Instructions, I Don’t Understand Them!

I have a friend who is always trying to be a positive motivator in my life. I try to at the very least, do each of her ideas for a week and see if it works for me.  Here is what she sent me .

“It’s a good idea to boost benefits by humming throughout the morning. For the strongest vibration open and close your mouth  and say vowels while you hum.”

I guess I need a demonstration because I don’t know how to “say” know how to say while I hum.  I can either say or hum. 


P.S. Sorry about the picture. It’s the only thing that comes up with hum.

  • Question of

    Can someone find a demontration?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Can anyhone help me “get” it?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. That sounds simply like the Om you vibrate when you meditate.
    O is the vowel when your mouth is open, M is when you close your lips.
    Your jaws should be as low as they were when you said O.
    After all, vowels mostly depend on the jaw. If you bring the jaw up, almost closing your mouth (keep in mind your lips are already closed), you hum the vowel E. And so forth.
    It is not easy to understand, but I guess that’s what your friend meant.

    • When you pronounce a vowel like a, you open your mouth when pronouncing the letter but make a humming sound when pronouncing the letter then shut the mouth when decreasing the tempo. Then you increase your voice a little while pronouncing the second letter in form of humming then decrease the sound and so on. I think that’s what she meant.