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Innovation Series Continues…

Andersen’s law of innovation: The rate of innovation remains constant until there is a change in pressure applied or capabilities available.

• Corollary 1: The trail blazed by innovators isn’t always easy.

• Corollary 2: The rate of innovation adaptation can impact the rate of innovation significantly.

• Corollary 3: The commitments to failure impact the rate and type of innovations.

• Corollary 4: If the starting point for innovation is moved upward the rate of innovation will increase dramatically.

• Corollary 5: The stickiness of innovation is proportional to the severity of the problem solved.

• Corollary 6: When innovation is about manufacturing capability those with deep pockets win.

• Corollary 7: The rate of technology adoption can remove change the rate of innovation faster than anything else.

• Corollary 8: Actions drive ideas as much as funding. Ideas are innovations in the pupa stage.

• Corollary 9: Knowing it has been done shortens the time from idea to reality.

The concept is simple. Innovation exists at a constant rate until there are pressures that change or alter the trajectory of the innovation. In this paper, we will take a look at the Pressures that impact innovation, the patterns of innovation, the impact of crowdfunding on innovation and the resources available today for the innovator and finally the current rate of innovation viewed historically.

A closed door blocks the circulation of air in a space. A screen door allows you to have airflow, but you cannot freely walk in or out of a shut screen door. Well, you can, and if someone has a video camera you can even become famous on America’s Funniest Videos, but in the end, it isn’t the easiest way to become famous. An open door allows you to leave and enter at will and also allows for the flow of air.

Let’s open our doors and talk about innovation. What is innovation? Is it a paradigm shift? Penicillin was an innovation. It has changed the lives of most likely two possibly even 3 billion people. Television is/was an innovation, and it continues to innovate. It sparks the innovation conversation. Television has created a concept I like to call an innovation family that we will discuss later in the book.

Interestingly today the innovation conversation in the television space is around cutting the wires. For years we have paid to have television shows ported into our homes. But the innovation that was the DVR changed everything. Suddenly we could watch any show when we wanted to not when the network showed it. Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon all offer content on demand that has created the “Cut the Wires” by offering on-demand content anywhere. We now can not only watch what we want when we want, but we are free to choose the content types that interest us.

  • Question of

    I modeled this after Murphy’s law, have you ever heard of that?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    The overall goal of this was to lay out the impact of innovation, right?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Innovators are every where, New Zealand has had some great innovators, Earnest Rutherford, and now there is a small space station at Gisborne letting off rockets

  2. I have read everything carefully and I see that I do not know anything and I know … every time I learn something new … I’ve heard about Murphy’s law already

  3. It’s a good law to teach to people, Doc.

    One of the problems of innovation is when people think that innovation is difficult, instead one of the problems of innovation is about money in the bag as you mentioned. The consequence is that quite a number of people who have the idea of ​​innovation do not dare to channel it because they have no funds and are not sure that someone will fund it, or worry that the idea will be stolen.

  4. I know all about Murphy’s law and those closed screened doors. Cannot tell you how many I tried walking through growing up. Always in a hurry.

    • Anything that can go wrong will!

      Thanks Carol!!! My dad taught me how to fix screen doors at age 9. Either myself or our dog went through them!