When it comes to making money online the bottomline is the same as brick and motar. You have to make the sell. The quickest way to pull people into your site is to invite them through social media and deliver what you advertised. If you tweet that you are going to teach them something, then do it. Bait and switch will kill credibility with your followers.
Recently on a site I had to publicly say “Please don’t follow my links until server isssues are solved. One of the sites I used asked me to remove all activity associated with the issue. Sadly, my reputation was tarnished because of things I could not control.
For those of us who participate in affiliate marketing. You are only as good as the product and delivery system.
Question of
Do you participate in affiliate marketing?
Question of
Are you active on more than three social media sites?
Question of
Do you believe that social media drives traffic?
I do share my posts on Twitter and Pinterest.