
I Bet You $1 You Read This Title

Thank you.

If you’re honoring the bet, send a dollar to any children’s hospital.

If you insist…message me mmmkay?

If you just can’t – or just plain don’t want to, take it off of what I owe you.

  • Do you stiiiiiiiilllllll love me?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Remember, John. Hit him right between the ears.
    • I hope so.


What do you think?

11 Points

Written by DonaldPennington


  1. Sad to hear you were lacking a smile today, Donald. I will have to go look up the acupressure point for smiling. Meanwhile did you know that a 19th century French physician named Guillaume Duchenne discovered that one particular kind of smile which had now been named after him, the Duchenne Smile, releases more endorphins than other smiles. Any kind of smile improves our health though and acts as a natural pain killer.

    • Thank you. Eh. Rough moments happen and they pass. Interesting information there. I shall read up on it as soon as I get the chance. A cleaning bid has been calling to me to get her done.