Life is composed of a series of disputes, troubles and aggravates. Sometimes we envision that if we could just take care of the immediate challenge that we are facing, our worries would be nonexistence. But this does not happen in real life, the moment we resolve one problem, others come in that needs our attention. We are even tempted to visualize these problems as challenges preventing us from doing what God wants us to do.
The bible is the truth of our life. It offers the best solutions to the various problems we are facing in life. To overcome these distractions, you can follow this procedure:
Talk to God about the predicament
The bible says that God sometimes allows us to face trials for the purpose of strengthening our faith in him. In all your difficulties and trials, bring them before God in prayers. He is the only source of our refuge in times of trouble. He will definitely hear and answer sincere prayers that are rendered out of a pure heart.
Trust that God is in control
Faith in God implies trusting God in everything and believing that He is able to help in time of need. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ should always be at the heart of the message we proclaim. As Paul wrote, “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who were called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).
Take every opportunity that God gives you
In the center of the disgusting history of the kings of Israel and Judah, we see Elisha who encourages us to take every chance that God gives us to be persistent and never give up. In whatever challenges you are facing, you should press on in prayers, search for opportunities to serve God and never give up whatsoever.
When all the above points are put into consideration, the issue of facing life problems with a negative mindset will be a non-issue. This will reduce the worries and uncertainties that accompany problems as we rest assured the Our Heavenly father (the creator of the heavens and earth) is in control.
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I would like to stress that God is not bigger than my problems. God is the answer to my problems. I couldn’t compare God to my problem for God is a solution, not a problem.