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How often should we take a shower?

Surprisingly and according to science the idea that the more baths we take, the cleaner we will be may be wrong.

It is normal for you to believe that a good dose of antibacterial shower gel and hot water will kill all the germs present on your skin, but clinical studies have shown that the opposite is true.

The truth is that the products that we use during the bath destroy the microcolonies of organisms that live in the dermis and transfer them to the environment which, in this case, is the shower.

The stratum corneum is the outermost layer of the skin and acts as a barrier against external aggressions. This layer is made up of dead cells that provide protection for the living, healthy cells underneath. When we shower (especially when it is hot) and we use soap and sponge, we are directly reaching the stratum corneum. The soap and hot water dissolve the lipids of the skin and the friction with the sponge only aggravates the process. That is, the more baths we take, the more often we will attack the dermis, reducing the recovery time of this organ and its ability to reestablish ideal levels of natural oiliness. The result of this process results in irritation and dryness of the skin.

What about frequency?Definitely not daily.

People have different bodies and routines and each one must deal with one’s own body in the way it feels most comfortable. But when you’re feeling lazy about getting into the shower know that the experts point out that it’s okay to stop bathing at one time or another. Swapping the soap for a milder formula and bathing in warm water are also great options.

  • Question of

    Do you take a bath everyday?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you use antibacterial shower gel?

    • Yes
    • No


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Written by nela13

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