
Love ItLove It

How Blessed I Am

Today I had some time to really think about all that I have and I realized how blessed I am. My husband and my brother love me more than words can say. They do their best to care for me, comfort me, straighten me out when it needs to be done,  and somehow keep me on track at least 90% of the time. They do this will all their illness.  I am thankful every day that they are here with me. 

Their goals are simply to survive and take care of me. That is a very humble place for me. I never imagined a life like this. I was a loner for about 5 years and I loved it. And then my whole world changed. There were so many struggles and now all I can really feel, when I stop and get quiet is blessed. 

It’s like someone turned on the light again.

  • Question of

    Do you ever just suddenly realize how blessed you are?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you recognize that there is always someone who can use your help and thoughts?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    If I have not said it before, will you please accept my gratitude now?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


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  1. I was given the chance to be loved by my soul mate and with him, I always walked hand in hand and it was through his support and love that I survived and for that, i am eternally grateful to the Lord. Now on my own, I count my blessings one day at a time. I got another payment today for my writing and the first thing I did was look up and say thanks.

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