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Home bees ~ Apiary

Lately, I notice that we have more and more apiaries in our country. Almost every walk I see a new apiary. An apiary is a building or space in which the panicles are hives. The apiary is made of wood. because with this material we create the best living conditions for bees. Wood offers relatively simple, low-cost prefabricated and portable construction, as it sometimes happens that the beehive is moving. Wooden apiary also fits most material and design most of our settlement and landscape environment. The wooden structure of the apiary is by a step or two raised above the ground so that it has no contact with moisture and that it prevents the ants from entering the apiary.

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    Have you seen the apiary?

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    • No
  • Question of

    Do you have apiaries in your land?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

21 Points

Written by vidocka


      • Maryland has what is called the Greenway law. It means that for every 10 houses built, they have to leave an acre of woods. It allows for more natural flow for wildlife and for trees to grow! Bees then can come along for the ride!

        • That’s great. Even in our country, we should have such a law. Forests disappear very quickly. I’m sometimes horrified at what’s happening.