
Love ItLove It

Hold on a second!

We were having a conversation and a child came in and said “Hey, hold on a second.” We stopped our conversation and looked at him. He stood there quietly for just a few seconds and said. “Thanks for sharing those few seconds with me.” He then charged out to be backyard to continue his game with friends. We sat for a minute and finally someone said “What as that all about?”

No one really knew. So later at dinner we asked him. He explained. “We learned at school there are 86400 seconds in a day. Once those seconds are gone, you can never get them back. So my teacher said if we are careful with our seconds, then minutes, hours, days, months and years will take care of themselves. I just wanted some seconds with all of you.”

I realized that there are many seconds when I have not been very accountable. Today I am going to some work with my seconds! There are 3600 in an hour, 1800 seconds in a half hour. I am going to start my first accountability time with 30 minutes, (1800 seconds).

I have a to do list from yesterday that didn’t get done. So it seems like that would be a great place to begin.

  • Question of

    Have you ever tried being accountable for your seconds in life?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you want to play along and see what ideas others have?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Did you really read the post (you can be honest!)?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. What a great little kid to come up with that idea after his school lessons. May his thoughtfulness about the topic stay with him on his journey through life.

    How thankful I am to know what our Creator tells us about life and death and His love to us through His Son, Jesus the Christ!

  2. I cannot imagine someone coming here and not reading your post, but there are all kinds of people in the world…I think of time as a fluid thing and I don’t think it is possible to waste any of it. That said, it is wise to have some goals and to check from time to time to see if how we are spending our time is in line with our goals. What a precious child!

    • I would say at least half of the people never read the post. The goal is simply to get the viewing credit. There are others who comment the same on every post or fill in with …….. because they really don’t have a comment, but want the viewing credit. I get it, everyone wants to make some money. I believe that making real contacts and relationships might be a better way to go.

      At lease someone was honest enough to say they didn’t. That is some thing to celebrate.
