Earlier today I went out shopping for basic needs such as food and mineral water. While I was going along a scarcely populated street, enjoying a little bit of fresh and chill air before going back inside for the rest of the day, I heard someone sneeze loudly behind me and I felt shivers down my spine. I think that I almost froze with fear for a fraction of a second, then I looked back and saw a woman walking about 10 metres behind me and wearing a mask, which was quite reassuring for me as I quickly regained my composure.
Nevertheless, I stepped up the pace because I didn’t want her to get past me. In spite of the reassuring distance and the protection she was having, the thought she might get closer and sneeze again right next to me did not make me feel comfortable at all. Eventually, I moved further away from her and then crossed the street, heading for the building where I live, so the danger was gone for good.
I had never thought that the sound of someone sneezing could me make me feel so anxious, but in the context of this horrible pandemic which has taken hold of our lives, it was probably not a surprising reaction from my brain to associate this act with a serious threat for my health. I suppose the woman wasn’t ill, she just sneezed as everyone does once in a while, and even if she got a little cold, she was responsible enough to wear a mask. Aș for the fear I felt even for a few instants, I guess it was a normal reaction. When we face a formidable and invisible enemy like COVID-19, a slight state of fear can remind us never to let our guard down. Fear is necessary and it can make a difference as long as it doesn’t turn into a panic!
Do you feel seriously worried when someone sneezes next to you?
Yes, I do, what if that person is seriously ill?
No, I don’t worry that much.
I’m glad you’re OK and got some exercise in when you moved with a quickness
Yes, it was definitely a useful physical activity for me!
The truth is people can have unpredictable reactions nowadays when someone coughs or sneezes next to them, but even excessive reactions are understandable in the context of this dreadful virus which spreads so easily.
I think everyone is anxious when they go out now and see other people. Unfortunately, even when this is over I think people will still feel anxious and it will take some time for everyone to calm down,
Yes, I’m afraid the anxiety will stay with us for a long time after the threat is diminished and the world will never be the same as it was before the pandemic started.
It is understandable in the present circumstances.
It certainly is; it would be great if we could all stay at home for as long as possible, but unfortunately, that is not an option for most people, they simply have to get out and buy food once in a while.
This is why I prefer to stay home.
I would stay at home all the time if I could, but I must get out from time to time, I have no choice, unfortunately. but I’m doing my best to try to minimize the risk of getting infected.
Just try to stay safe out there.
I understand what you are saying. I also do not want to be near someone that sneezes and coughs.
Yes, when someone does that near us it’s extremely worrying, and I think that our fears are perfectly justified when we are confronted with a huge threat like the one we have to fight nowadays.
I was in a public vehicle. I coughed once and the old woman who was sitting next to.me stared at me and took out a cloth to cover her mouth. I restrained myself from coughing any further.
If one keeps reacting excessively to a cough or a sneeze, that person might get a heart attack, faint or even die for an inbuilt fear that is about to explode to a massive magnitude level.
Yes, the risks for such a person to suffer serious damage to his or her health are extremely high and it’s amplified by the bad news we keep reading every day and which some to come on and on in this cursed year. Many people might not be killed by the Coronavirus, but by the panic caused by it.