This weed was in my front yard. I researched and identified it as Henbit. The name comes from the observation that chickens like it. Hummingbirds also enjoy this edible weed for the nectar.
Henbit provides valuable erosion control in many cropland fields in the southern U.S. Unlike many of its relatives in the mint family, henbit does not have a strong or distinctive mint scent.
Now that I know it has many uses, especially the hummingbirds, I let it grow. The weed is small and many would probably miss it, unless you were looking. Paying attention to the little things again.
Sharing this unique weed with Kim’s Color Crazy challenge.
Photo ©CarolDM
Question of
Ever seen this purple weed before?
Question of
Do you research when you find something you are unsure of?
Interesting post I like your photo
We do have these tiniest of blooms here as well. This requires getting on your hands and knees to shoot. Great shot. I like them, we see a lot of them in the spring here.
This is a new one for me. I do research new plants online and with an app.
Oh very nice clicks like it
Why do we call them weed anyway when they have beautiful blooms?
They are scientifically in this class. You don’t have to call them weeds. 🙂
I haven’t seen this weed,look beautiful .
Thank you Hina for commenting.
I research pretty much everything, but if I am researching something unimportant then I often get sidetracked by another more interesting topic and never finish the first thing…
That happens often with me as well.
nothing wrong with it, if you ask me…
We too keep getting all kinds of weeds and there is a creeper that just does not want to leave us. It has pretty leaves
This one is very tiny and I almost missed it.
I don’t think I’ve seen this weed before. I need to take a closer look at my garden and yard ?
They are very tiny and would be missed if not careful. 🙂
I actually have seen them in the front and back yard, now that i know what to look for.
My mom researches new birds when she sees one. Great photo!
That is cool, I do that as well. Thanks!
That is how we learn, research! Have a good weekend.
However, we do not grow such beautiful weeds, dear Carol
Some of our weeds are beautiful like flowers.
Have a great weekend Lado!
I’ll try to search but sometimes its just not so easy to find …
or there are a few results that looks very much like the subject …
Nice photo btw! 🙂
Thank you! I get so curious, I have to research. Sometimes you are right, easy answers may not happen.
I have a few sites I go to for flowers, then others for birds.
Most of the time when I take a photo of a flower, I have no idea what it is. I have to do a little research.
Good to see you Gary. I know you also do some research.
Have a great weekend Gary.
Thanks, but It has already gotten off on a bad foot. I fell yesterday and I’m pretty banged up. Nothing serious, just very achy.