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Have you seen two rainbows side by side?

It was something new for me when I saw two rainbows side by side from my balcony. Actually the weather was pleasant and nice so I decided to give my backyard a little attention it needed. But the view in the sky left me completely amazed and I immediately captured it

I thought it was my imagination but watching it carefully I was sure it was something unique. By the way have you ever seen two rainbows side by side?  Please share your opinion. Have a nice day.

  • Question of

    Have you seen two Rainbows side by side?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Did you feel that both rainbows were as bright as the other?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

24 Points

Written by Suny Ag


    • Oh yes, thanks a lot. Actually the weather is always very pleasant during that time and when you see two rainbows… just imagine the feeling.

  1. No, I have not seen two rainbows at the same time. You’ve got a beautiful photo.
    I have seen the sun’s halo on the first week of May. My sister sent me a photo and I saw what looked like a rainbow around the sun.

  2. I have seen this a couple of times . On both occasions they were almost fading away . The second one wasn’t as bright as the first.
