Somehow, today I noticed the word hate. It happened because this word at least I hear six times from four different people.
The first hatred I hear is expressed by someone for someone else who talks to him in a cold tone. The word is spoken by others again to say hatred against evil spirits, demons, and other spirits. The four remaining objects of hate are ex-husbands, tribes, old foes, and a boss.
The attributes that come together with the word are disgust, anger, resentment, and huge dislike. Remarkably, the expressed hatred is not something new but a long-held in the minds of those who say it. Unfortunately, two of them are often talking about love and compassion, and three of whom argue that it is humanly to have hatred.
Before I write a little about this, I think it would be nice if I have a little opinion of you.
Question of
Do you have hatred towards something?
Question of
Is hatred natural and humanly?
Question of
Is hatred beneficial?
Question of
Is it necessary to eliminate the hatred within us?
I hate to say that I hate something…hahaha. Eradicating hate is a personal path to enlightenment and something we all should strive for. Excellent thought provoking post.
I totally agree with your views, Helen. That’s why I wrote about it.
Users voted 10 times.
Q: Do you have hatred towards something?
Yes (6 votes) – 60%
No (4 votes) – 40%
Q: Is hatred natural and humanly?
Yes (11 votes) – 100%
Q: Is hatred beneficial?
Yes (4 votes) – 40%
No (6 votes) – 60%
Q: Is it necessary to eliminate the hatred within us?
Yes (8 votes) – 80%
No (2 votes) – 20%
I’m sure you are a person who does not like to hate because interested in this article.
I understand, but raging and hating is different, is not it?
When you experience such a thing, what do you think about yourself?
You are right, it is difficult to understand other people’s minds, in fact even we often have trouble understanding ?ur thoughts or ?urselves, right?
Yes, of course! Certainly!
I think hate is a natural reaction, but many folks let it dominate their awareness. This is where it becomes a problem
I understand, and emotional intelligence is a wise button manager to realize and direct us to stay away from problems.
Honestly, letting any emotion dominate your headspace is almost definitely a bad idea
Of course, and that’s a problem for most people!
Don’t get me started on single issue voters
How will it be done, brother?
Consider all the issues and then vote on the best candidate. Forget party loyalty; if they can’t field a better candidate then they deserve to lose. Single issue voters only want to win one battle and don’t care if they lose the war doing it. Sun Tzu is rolling over in his grave…
In general, do you think people with the single issue voters ideas are much more than the opposite?
Unfortunately, it isn’t that simple. Elections can be decided by a narrow margin, and even if those single issue simpletons are a small percentage as long as they are enough to cover that margin, then their short-sightedness will decide the election
Use any way to win or all must lose?
It seems like people has lost the ability to see the big picture and just focus on short term gains. This is a one way ticket to disaster
I am grateful to have a brother who does not have such a paradigm.
I may not understand all the subtleties in a given situation, but I always make an effort to examine things critically, to the best of my abilities. When sacrifice is called for, I am ready to sacrifice…
Sacrifice? Sacrifice in what way and for what?
For the greater good, I would eschew something that I wanted or valued. Otherwise known as compromise
Compromise or middle way? Win-win or lose-win, or else?
although that doesn’t seem to be working anymore
So your sacrifice is very noble.
Noble, practical, it doesn’t really matter as long as there is an outcome which benefits the populace
Now you show your sincerity and not your fangs, though both are equally interesting.
Do you doubt the sincerity of my fangs?
Not at all, your fangs are completely tame
tell that to all the things I’ve eaten
…but even with no fangs, you’ll still eat…
Angry people, I feel hate easily. Hating people will prove to be destructive.
I know and believe that you have great wisdom to lead yourself, LaJenna.
I think there is a line within Hatred that we have to clearly define. For example, there are things about people that I hate. Dishonestly, disingenuous are things that I hate. But I don’t truly hate the entire person just the behavior.
Based on that, the additional question that would support your tenet is can you hate what someone does, but not hate the person.
I understand and think your thinking makes perfect sense. In the context of the above, actually, the hatred is more likely to hate the object itself and not some of the attitudes or behaviors. In the context of behavior as you mean, I prefer to use the term “dislike” or “disagree” instead of hate. There is an essence associated with the paradigm in our subconscious that greatly affects our overall attitude and energy by the words or ideas of such words.
Yes hate is a very strong word. Dislike and disagree are much nicer. It cleans up the overall impact of what we say when we use words that are kinder! Hate is not a kind word.
Yes, Coach. Actually, words is just a word and neutral in nature but the use in many sentences or utterances, its idea, paradigm, and the energy is not wise and even can be so horrible.
So true. The application of the energy is interesting.
I’m sure you can feel it, energy as compassion or in hate.
You can, I know for example when I let myself dwell in the frustration and reaction to a negative person, or situation that I feel drained at the end of that day. When I focus on positive I feel better at the end of the day. I know this, but I still do this from time to time. I guess I only have myself to blame.
I am, sometimes, Sometimes I am the worst teacher. I don’t listen to myself sometimes.
You are the best teacher for yourself and a wise example for your family, Coach.
No , One should not hate each other but correct each other for being they hate.
Your thinking is a good and wise attitude, but there are people who do not hate even having received ill-treatment and on the contrary, there are people who can hate even without receiving bad treatment or connect directly with the object of hatred. It is this basic character that is interesting and important to highlight.
Very interesting topic! I think that sometimes people don’t realize what the word means when they are using it.
That is very likely to happen, but such words that come from the subconscious mind and vice versa are what have formed into a strong tendency unless it is done in a joke or drama dialogue.
I don’t know… I tend to feel it’s not balance when there is no hate or probably just dislike… that’s if the balance theory does applies here too…
You can hate or dislike, but doesn’t mean you need to act on it or get overly affected by it… I can hate something and then move on… I’ll still hate it again the next time I see it LOL but when I don’t see it, there is no need to be affected by it
I already suspect that there will be someone who thinks like you mainly after we talk about balance. Duality and balance are our reality, outward reality, which is also the subject lesson to mature us, maturing us, and responsible for not blaming something we hate.
Seems like that someone is me… I guess it easier to think this way than feel guilty/bad for hating… but that is if you don’t act on your hatred.
I don’t deny your opinion, my friend. Here, I just want to say that ideas behind certain words have negative influence though if we don’t say that.
Will you eat durian or noodles or vegetables if you hate it? Eventhough they ‘re useful? Aren’t you think and feel bad about devil aor ghost for you hate them?
I agree with you and see your point… I guess I won’t say anymore although I feel many seems to exaggerate its magnitude.
Hatred is a very strong emotion. I have had disappointment or been hurt by others but never hated anyone.
That’s good wisdom for you, Carol. Your life is not in vain for something destructive.
No it’s not and I see how others feel like it has to be part of life. It doesn’t have to be.
I am amazed at your principles and attitude about this.
It has been a long road to get here, lots of pain. But I have arrived.
Of course, like coconut milk, we just get it after grinding and squeezing it.