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This is an example of a pair of pistol grips I made. The little carving on the grip, indicated by the pen, is what is called checkering. The application of checkering has a two-fold purpose, primarily, it prevents the gun from slipping from a moist or sweaty palm. 

This DKL, Star, caliber 380 or 9mm short pistol, was brought to me to replace the factory, plastic set of grips. The wooden ones, shown, are carved from a piece of rare, Cape-yellowwood. 

I really enjoyed the hobbies of gun-smithing and knife-making and some of my handiwork is scattered across the world and owned by collectors. Due to several reasons, mainly health-related, I can no longer continue the craft.

  • Do you have an unusual hobby?

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What do you think?

21 Points


  1. My hobby is strange. I like to create maps. But not just of places, bodies of water in particular. Not just the surface and shore, but also the bed of the lake.

    I know, its weird but I love doing it.

  2. Now I’m sooo curious… what on earth could absorb your mind to such an extent that it qualifies to be termed hobbies and yet, viewed by as NOT being nearly as fantastic? I suppose I’ll never know…

    • Now I’m sooo curious… what on earth could absorb your mind to such an extent that it qualifies to be termed hobbies and yet, viewed by as NOT being nearly as fantastic? I suppose I’ll never know…