If you are here, you are frustrated. You cannot post and read when you are ready. You never know if or when the site is going to be up. You don’t want to be a Negative Nelly and you are tired of the silent treatment and pretending like things are just fine.
Here are some good ways to deal with frustration.
1. Get some exercise. A quick 15 minute walk could change your view of the world.
2. Walk away from the computer. It could be that you have way too much screen time.
3. Make a to-do list with five items and get the first one done.
4. Have a chat with your Higher Power.
5. Write down (by hand) 20 powerful and positive affirmations.
6. Make suggestions about how to solve the things that frustrate you.
7. Show gratitude. (That always works)
8. Do something you have been putting off.
9. Have three posts ready to go when you get the green light.
10. Help everyone out by leaving your suggestions in the comments.
Question of
Are you optomistic?
Question of
Are you part of the solution?
Question of
Do you try and help others?
Question of
Do you participate with all options?
There have been too many times recently when Virily has been “off air”. Do you think that the site is in trouble?
Personally I believe it is in trouble. We have already seen decline in writers. If you can’t count on the site to be up, writing and sharing is a risk. Our time is valuable as well. I think they would be wise to reach out and let us know. How long are you willing to put up with it? I believe that is what everyone is pondering.
I haven`t posted since the downtimes began a few days ago – as you say, we need a bit more security. The last time I tried to post the site went down just as I was about to submit the piece, which was consequently lost.
I see no point in sharing posts via social media if there is a danger that the links won`t work when potential viewers try to view.
It is worrisome to me. I think the most disappointing is the lack of communication.