
Father's Day

Today, June 17th, is Father’s Day in the US. Wishing all of you Dad’s, Fathers, Grandfathers a Happy Father’s Day. Not just today but every day. I have many happy memories to think back on. This is the first Father’s Day without my Dad. Hard one. But this too shall pass as he always told me. The two chairs in the photo were in his yard. We would sit and talk for hours. So many memories. And I know he wants me to be happy and remember all the good times we shared. A lifetime of good memories is what I have. I hope you all have a wonderful day.


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What do you think?

Written by Carol DM


  1. Sorry this is the first father’s day without your dad….that would be rough. I never knew mine….I learned who he was when I was 16 and saw him once at that age…but that was the only time. My grandfather has been the “father” figure in my life and I always get him a card on father’s day 🙂

  2. Glad you have so many good memories of your dad. Hugs to you today! My dad has been gone for 7 years now. He was a great father,and I miss him a lot, but he would want me to go on and be happy, so i am doing just that. Your dad sounds wonderful!

    • Thanks LaJenna, it has been a long hard day. I miss our talks. We would stay on the phone every day. Sorry you are without your father as well. My Dad was a funny man.

  3. I didn’t realise it was Father’s Day in the US too. It is also in the UK. I have a wonderful Father and phone him every week, and made a point of speaking to him today.
