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Enjoying the symphony ~ Silhouette Saturday

Never feeling tired of enjoying the rustling of bamboo leaves in the wind, sitting nearby is a special attraction for me, especially in the afternoon.

At such times, I usually feel like I can see the stereo set of the universe to increase the volume. After that, the great symphony of the universe orchestra will begin. Not only the sound of rustling leaves but also the hum of the sun, the whistling of the wind, the percussion of running water, the friction of the wings of insects, even the flow of blood and the marching of my heart’s pounding. Try to listen, it’s a perfect composition!

  • Question of

    In your opinion, am I boasting?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you like to enjoy the sounds of nature?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

13 Points


  1. I do this a lot, and no I don’t think you are boasting. I do love both photos, the first one reminds me of an eye opening, which goes with your post. 🙂 I love the sounds of nature.

  2. Boasting is an opinion – label – created by the mind. Only a thought ?. Wise men say, we only see from others what is within us. And that is the reason I did not answer the first question. Next time put a box for “none of the above” ?. That said, I love the sound of wind as it caresses the trees and the sound of flowing water or wave crashing.

  3. So you didn’t know that you’ve been boasting a lot?!?!

    LOL, but we love your boasting, so keep it coming :p

    I’ve no time or rather, interest to listen to nature… I’m with sound of technology … hehe
    but my sis enjoys nature and want us to join her…

  4. The sounds of the sea for me to relax. When it is calm everybody loves me. And when it is stormy everybody is angry with me. That’s how I feel it.
