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Driving on hills by Lado

Hi friends. This picture is for our friend Lado. lado is a sympathy friend on virily. On my one post he told me that he was a bus driver and he traveled on difficult roads. I hope he will also try to drive on mountains. Driving is a special fun . When we sit against staring we want to fly over the vehicle who going slowly in our front. But it is a bed habit. We all should maintain our speed first and always give way and facilities to other when we drive.

Driving on the hills is a much difficult in comparison with the plane area. We daily saw a plenty of accident on the road in plane area. Vehicle struck to other vesicle but they both stayed on the road. But on the mountain when a accident occurred between two vehicles, they accidentals vehicle have no chance to stay on the road. The vehicle Alway going down from the hills and always got major loss of vehicle with driver.

So I request to friend lado to come here on mountains and drive his bus carefully?

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16 Points

Written by Perfectfeeds


  1. Very good post about driving on hills, yes we have hills like this and the high winding roads go on for miles, yes, I have driven on them too, but the terrain is different. We have a lot of New Zealand native bush on them. Some have sheer drops on one side and we have people who cant wait to drive pass even though we go the speed limit.

  2. A one-time announcement … thank you very much … I do not know what I deserve … I also drove along the mountains … at a height of 1611m, the road was not so dangerous … some of your roads are really incredible. … I do not know how to find you on your roads … your drivers are real kamikaze