Rejection is not about you, it is about the right fit. Rejection happens when people or things don’t work well together. That doesn’t mean that the person who is rejected is bad, or the person who rejected is superior in someway. It just means that in that particular space and time these two people just didn’t fit perfectly together as a working unit. It is the same with rejection at a job interview or college.
However, rejections causes us pain, hurts our ego, makes our mood dive into the freezing zone and worst of all we make things worse by doing two things – We could turn it right back at ourselves or we could kick up dust , make a scene, speak or act dirty and live in embarrassment all our lives. At the end of it all we hurt the most.
It is important to take rejection in an impersonal way. We could say, Well, we don’t fit together as one unit so let’s shake hands over it and move on with our lives. That would be a mature way of dealing with rejection.This isn’t really easy as our ego has taken a beating and we feel exploited, demeaned and insulted.
Love and acceptance validates us as people. Our sense of worth takes a plunge when the opposite happens. We feel like we are not really worthy of love and trust. The truth is we are low on self-worth, we need to address this issue and believe in ourselves.
We need to put our evaluation of ourselves higher than those of the others. Just think of it this way, if I don’t believe in myself and love myself who else would?
It is going to be hard but we have got to work our way through this and prove to ourselves that we are worth it.
Question of
Have you ever felt rejected by someone?
Question of
Do you think You have dealt with it well?
Not the way I should have liked to
That’s a great message! In the end, we find the right fit.
More or less, everybody will suffer rejection in life.
I have experienced and experienced this many times. I have to admit, this is not easy.
I know that feeling. It’s not pleasant.
Rejection is part of life unfortunately and we have to just roll with it and keep going.
So true, Rejection happens just as love or acceptance happens. It is life.
Great and interesting post, dear Dawn …. I had to think a little bit … yeah I probably was even rejected …. if not elsewhere with some girl haha
Thanks for being honest dear Lado, maybe the one who rejected lost someone valuable in her life.
I always say that every thing is good for something, my dear friend
I avoided answering the second question because it is a mixed bag for me. Sometimes my tender heart takes things way too hard and other times my logic kicks in. I hope to get better at it. #kindcomments
Thanks for being honest, we keep learning from life as we go.
tough topic, great post!
rejection is something people often use as a weapon. That to me is when it is dangerous.
In the course of day to day, rejection happens often, if it isn’t a weapon, then we pick up the pieces and move on!
Thanks Doc, if someone uses rejection as a weapon, it is better that you don’t have anything to do with such person. It just goes to show their level of maturity.
i do stay away from them. Here on Virily, other places on the internet and IRL!