
Comforts come first

I have always opted for comforts in any field be it the clothes I wear, the food I eat, the friends I choose…the list is endless 

The umbrella that you see in the photo is far from trendy.  Folding umbrellas as you know is the trend of the day.  I had several folding umbrellas but realised how inconvenient they are. You know what it does to a folding umbrella when there is too much wind and what about  opening it when there is a sudden shower?  I have this umbrella and I am more than pleased with it. 

  • would you keep to trends at the cost of comfort?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

11 Points

Written by grace


  1. I almost do not use umbrellas …. if it falls well I do not go home … but if it rains a little I go without an umbrella …. a little where do I go on foot if it rains
