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Cat and Mouse Game ~ Thursday Reflections

My two cats are so funny. Brendel will put the Dude’s mouse toy in his water bowl. There are tons of toys and three water bowls. But she chooses to put this mouse in this water bowl each time. Payback perhaps. Even animals feel like payback has its place.

I feel like what goes around usually comes back around. I try to be kind to others, choosing my words wisely as not to judge or demean anyone. Life seems better like that.

My cats are just playing around. They have life figured out unlike many others seem to have. I learn each day from my cats. Have a great day everyone.

Photo ©CarolDM

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Written by Carol DM


  1. That is interesting it certainly must mean something between the cats perhaps sink or swim depending on what has happened between them Just recently I had a visit from my cat niece Oreo and while she was hanging out my cat Sid arrived for dinner. I gave him his dinner and Orea chose to sit in the other room on a chair from which she could see him and watch how he ate his dinner. Something about that interested her after which she returned to her favorite activity sleeping.
