These little guys remind me of the drones from Silent Running. I can not believe that we are going to be in 2020 before you know it but where will all the robots be?
While this is the design we all want to see, it isn’t very practical; we’d most likely be looking at remote flyers with cameras and not these charming fellows…
I will help you imagine that promised future we’ve been so far denied, but let me know which one has the best look?
Question of
which dystopian look do you prefer?
red stripe
Question of
which bleeding edge look do you prefer?
Question of
old or new?
If only it was real, then I would have robots!
Wow! This is excellent! I like the new and orange one, mostly the left side one.
White and orange is a good look
56,56,78,percents. Not bad.
five, six, seven, eight- who do we appreciate? Robots! Robots! Yeah!!!
I am not very good in selection, but what i have selected i hope surely will help you
I am just trying to get a feel for what is popular here, so don’t worry about your choice. The fact that you participated at all is enough!
I preferred the old look most of the time. It just looks the most real
Look at cars on the road or in parking lots. If robots were as ubiquitous as cars, that’s how they’d look…
I hope my selections will help you in some small way.
Of course they will! Which is to say they have in the past and should continue to do so in the future…
I always enjoy these polls and options.
Glad to hear it, since that is my new thing. One of them, anyway…
A lot of us are on the poll bandwagon it seems. It adds to the post I think.