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Butterfly in my lawn

Everything in the universe is a masterpiece of beauty and all these things, big and small make a addition in the beauty of the universe. We establish gardens in the backyard of our homes to grow flowers to enhance the beauty of the home. When the flowers are grown, butterflies also come to enhance the beauty of the flowers. It was great to see the butterfly flying on the flowers in my lawn yesterday. Looking at this butterfly, I came to think that flowers and butterflies are probably interconnected. If there were no butterflies, the beauty of the flowers would probably be lost.

  • Question of

    Have you grown flowers in the yard of the house.?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you have butterflies in your yard too.?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

15 Points

Written by SFAST


  1. I live in big city and nowadays it’s hard to have a backyard in your home. It just make me missed my grandparents house where I used to play in the garden and fish ponds.