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Being Content

Contentment is being happy with what you have in your life. Doesn’t contentment  lead to mediocrity? No, contentment doesn’t mean you have no goals or you don’t like to take up challenges. It just means you know who you are and you accept yourself for who you are.

Contentment doesn’t mean that you won’t strive to be better than what you are today, if you are happier you would work on being even more happier and making others happier.

When you are content or happy with things as they are  you tend to focus what you have  that makes you happy and make the best of what you have.

You don’t focus on what you do not have and waste your energy and emotions over them.

You understand that riches, position and material possession do not necessarily bring you happiness.

You tend to focus on people more than material things.

You have a healthy discontent for things that really don’t matter.

You tend to count your blessings everyday and learn to appreciate life.

When discontent does rise up within, you go back to your core values and sort things out first.

You learn to enjoy the simple things of life.

You don’t need to spend money on stuff to buy happiness.

You understand contentment comes from within,  and from that rises the need to be even better.

  • Question of

    Would you say you are content with your life?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Happiness is a state of mind – do you agree?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

11 Points

Written by Dawn


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