
Bananas ~ why so conflicting?

Oh my goodness! The children at the shelter got to make requests of the snack items they desired so we could let people know. The number one requested food was “bananas”. I was sure it was going to be some kind of candy and we would need to explain that this is not one of the snacks we provide.

It came back as what I consider a healthy natural fruit. One parent came unglued and explained all the horrible horror stories of bananas. She was insistent that sugar crash after eating a banana would cause more harm than good. She used arts and crafts supplies to warn everyone in the shelter to never eat a banana.

I try to make it a rule to never argue with an insistent mother protecting her child.  So I went to my doctor with her list of concerns.  The doctor came back with some pairing suggestions that she felt would help meeting the concerns of all. She suggested any of the whole grain cold cereals with banana slices, whole wheat toast with peanut butter and banana slices and yogurt with banana slices.

  • Would you try any of these banana pairing?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter