Life went on at Virily while I was incommunicado, so I have lots of catching up to do reading and commenting on some of your posts that you wrote while I was “gone.” I still have some running around to do before staying home and spending quality time with my computer and you all, but wanted to let friends here know I am back, sort of.
This forest is not where I camped, but I did drive through it on the way back to my SoCal home and just a few miles from the edge of the forest while I was pulled over in a turn-out taking my last photo before returning to civilization, an amazing thing happened.
Do you see the weedy bushes with white flowers by the road? There was no wind that day, but suddenly the flowers started moving in a very strange pattern, and then suddenly an adorable bear cub stuck its head out from the bushes. The sweet little thing looked me straight in the eye, probably as amazed to see me as I was to see it, but then faster than I could snap a picture although the camera was still in my hand, it sank back down into those weeds and disappeared. The reddish brown cub appeared to me to be about a year old, as although it still had a baby face with no elongation of the snout, big ears, and soft shoulders without any muscles showing, it was tall enough to tower over the vegetation. Although I did not see a mother bear anywhere around, I was glad to have been inside my van because as you can see from the photo this was a very close encounter and if I were that little cutie’s mom I would have been watching it like a hawk.
Question of
Did you notice I was gone for a while?
Question of
Have you ever seen a bear in the wild?
Question of
Do you know what kind of flowers those are?
Question of
Do you know where I took this picture?
You were lucky that the puppy was alone
To be honest, as exciting as it was to see the cub, I got out of there pretty fast.
I somehow missed this post. What a great thing to see, and glad momma wasnt making herself present. I saw one last year at my desert property. A big female. She walked down the driveway, just sauntering.
How cool was that! Were the dogs with you?
Yes, they are so uninterested in bears and cats. They just let a mountain lion walk around the property, I saw them laying outside, just watching.. lol Now if it were a pesky wabbit? Game on!
I can just see that now in my mind’s eye.
That is pooh bear in disguise… lol
anyway I’m glad you didn’t encounter a full grown or it’s mother…
Thanks, I was surprised that the bear came so close to a highway.
So glad you did not encounter the mama bear!
Thank you, so am I as that would have been more excitement than I needed.
When I was a child we visited a park that had bears in horrible cages where it was hot in the summer and below freezing in the winter and I felt so sorry for the bears. Now I am glad that some of the zoos have really nice habitats suited to the animals.
i have kive stock, animals are very smart. they understand anger, love very well and can understand over all enivornment even if it is not directed to them, especially dogs…lol
Hi Muhammad, I see you are new here. My friend’s very old parrot died and she was broken hearted, but then she rescued a love bird which is a different kind of parrot from what she had. The vet said it would not learn to talk, but this bird surprised us today. It was silent when we were indoors, but when we went outside and closed the door, we head it saying “pretty bird, pretty bird.” It won’t talk when it thinks anyone is listening. I think this bird is pretty smart!
you got to be very careful with it.IT will observe things and say it while your guests are around,lols
Yes, and I hope this bird does not get jealous and bite as her last bird did.
I did notice you were gone, but then again you did warn me it would happen…
Wanted to be sure you noticed, rflol.
I suspect you’d have been conspicuous in your absence, regardless…
You were missed and so glad you have stories and photos for us! Would love to see a bear cub up close… inside a vehicle.
Thank you for missing me. The cub was MUCH cuter than I thought possible. It was surreal.
I can only imagine up close and personal.
Nice post! I hope you have had a good time.
About as good a time as is legal, yes, I had a really great time, Thank you Branka.
I saw that you have not been there for some time … it’s a nice post. I only saw the bears at the Zoo in Belgrade .. I hope you have had a good time.